All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract implementation of a BitVector.
A list-of-integers view of a bit vector.
A view of a bit vector as a sorted set of long integers.
A subvector of a given bit vector, specified by an initial and a final bit.
An abstract implementation of a prefix map.
An abstract implementation of a prefix map.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A vector of bits, a.k.a. bit sequence, bit string, binary word, etc.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with bit vectors.
A Bloom filter.
A boolean-list based implementation of BitVector.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A bridge between byte buffers and input streams.
Use LongMappedBigList instead.
A queue of bytes partially stored on disk.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A fast table-based decoder for canonical Huffman codes supporting only codes with limited (less than 64 bits) codewords.
A circular char buffer that can be used to implement a sliding window over a text.
An abstract factory corresponding to an instance of a specific compression technique.
Coding methods for a specific compression technique.
A coder based on a set of codewords.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A debugging wrapper for input bit streams.
A debugging wrapper for output bit streams.
Decoding methods for a specific compression technique.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A word reader that breaks words on a given set of characters.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A StringParser that makes the user choose among items of a Java enum.
All-purpose optimised bit-fiddling static-method container class.
A fast coder based on a set of codewords of length at most 64.
A lightweight, unsynchronised buffered reader based on mutable strings.
Please use FileLinesByteArrayIterable instead; the zipped option of this class can be simulated by passing a GZIPInputStream as decompressor.
Please use FileLinesByteArrayIterable.iterator(, Class, EnumSet); the zipped option of this class can be simulated by passing a GZIPInputStream as decompressor.
A wrapper exhibiting the lines of a file as an Iterable of byte arrays.
An iterator over the lines of a FileLinesByteArrayIterable.
Please use FileLinesMutableStringIterable instead; the zipped option of this class can be simulated by passing a GZIPInputStream as decompressor.
Please use FileLinesMutableStringIterable instead; the zipped option of this class can be simulated by passing a GZIPInputStream as decompressor.
Please use FileLinesMutableStringIterable.iterator(, java.nio.charset.Charset, Class); the zipped option of this class can be simulated by passing a GZIPInputStream as decompressor.
Please use FileLinesMutableStringIterable.iterator(, java.nio.charset.Charset, Class); the zipped option of this class can be simulated by passing a GZIPInputStream as decompressor.
A wrapper exhibiting the lines of a file as an Iterable of mutable strings.
An iterator over the lines of a FileLinesMutableStringIterable.
A prototype providing flyweight copies.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with flyweight protoypes.
Compact storage of strings using front-coding compression (also known as compression by prefix omission).
Compact storage of strings using front-coding compression (also known as compression by prefix omission).
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
An implementation of Huffman optimal prefix-free coding.
An implementation of the Hu–Tucker optimal lexicographical prefix-free code.
A transformation strategy mapping strings to their Hu-Tucker encoding.
An array of approximate sets each represented using a HyperLogLog counter.
An immutable implementation of binary tries.
An immutable implementation of binary tries.
A node in the trie.
A node in the trie.
An immutable prefix map mostly stored in external memory.
An immutable prefix map mostly stored in external memory.
Bit-level input stream.
An interval of integers.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with intervals.
Applies the jackknife to generic statistics.
An abstract statistic with a template method that accepts an array of doubles, returns an array of doubles and handles the data conversions that are necessary to call Jackknife.Statistic.compute(BigDecimal[], MathContext).
A statistic to be estimated using the jackknife on a set of samples.
Kahan's summation algorithm encapsulated in an object.
An adapter that exposes a fast buffered reader as an iterator over the returned lines.
A trivial WordReader that considers each line of a document a single word.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A string map based on a function signed using the original list of strings.
A string map based on a function signed using the original list of strings.
A bit vector implementation based on arrays of longs.
A list-of-integers view of a bit vector.
A bit vector implementation based on a big arrays of longs.
A list-of-integers view of a bit vector.
There are much better and faster hash functions.
An interval of longs.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with intervals.
A memory-mapped version of FrontCodedStringBigList.
A multiple input stream.
Fast, compact, optimized & versatile mutable strings.
End-of-stream-only input stream.
Throw-it-away output stream.
End-of-stream-only reader.
A parser for simple object specifications based on strings.
An iterable that offers elements that were previously stored offline using specialized serialization methods.
An iterator returned by an OfflineIterable.
Determines a strategy to serialize and deserialize elements.
Bit-level output stream.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
A FrontCodedStringBigList whose indices are permuted.
A FrontCodedStringList whose indices are permuted.
A codec based on a set of prefix-free codewords.
A coder based on a set of prefix-free codewords.
A transformation strategy mapping strings using a prefix-free encoder.
A map from prefixes to string intervals (and possibly vice versa).
A map from prefixes to string intervals (and possibly vice versa).
Tunable progress logger.
An extension of PropertiesConfiguration providing setters for primitive types, a simpler way to save preferences and transparent handling of Enum lowercased keys.
A blocking queue holding a fixed amount of timestamped items.
A marker interface for a closeable resource that implements safety measures to make resource tracking easier.
Exhibits a single InputStream as a number of streams divided into reset()-separated segments.
Provides semi-external random access to a big list of γ-encoded integers.
Provides semi-external random access to a list of γ-encoded integers.
There are much better and faster hash functions.
There are much better and faster hash functions.
A fast, high-quality, non-splittable version of the SplitMix pseudorandom number generator used by SplittableRandom.
A fast, high-quality, non-splittable version of the SplitMix pseudorandom number generator used by SplittableRandom.
A map from strings to longs (and possibly vice versa).
A map from strings to numbers (and possibly vice versa).
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with string maps and prefix maps.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with string maps and prefix maps.
A simple class digesting a stream of numbers and providing basic statistics about the stream.
Ternary interval search trees.
Ternary interval search trees.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
Fast pattern matching against a constant string.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with transformation strategies.
A generic transformation from objects of a given type to bit vector.
A decoder that follows 0/1 labelled paths in a tree.
A leaf node of the decoding tree.
A internal node of the decoding tree.
All-purpose static-method container class.
This class is obsolete and kept around for backward compatibility only.
An interface providing methods to break the input from a reader into words.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid, small-state pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid, small-state pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, high-quality pseudorandom number generator for floating-point generation.
A fast, high-quality pseudorandom number generator for floating-point generation.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid, small-state pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid, small-state pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, high-quality pseudorandom number generator that combines a long-period instance of George Marsaglia's Xorshift generators (described in “Xorshift RNGs”, Journal of Statistical Software, 8:1−6, 2003) with a multiplication.
A fast, high-quality pseudorandom number generator that combines a long-period instance of George Marsaglia's Xorshift generators (described in “Xorshift RNGs”, Journal of Statistical Software, 8:1−6, 2003) with a multiplication.
Please use XorShift1024StarPhiRandom instead.
Please use XoRoShiRo128PlusRandom instead.
Use SplitMix64Random instead.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, rock-solid pseudorandom number generator for floating-point generation.
A fast, rock-solid pseudorandom number generator for floating-point generation.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid pseudorandom number generator.
A fast, all-purpose, rock-solid pseudorandom number generator.